# Sangelo's Space This is the source-code for my website, written in Svelte & SCSS.
Feel free to explore! ## Contributing You're welcome to contribute to this website if you have a Lunivity account (see homepage for details if registrations aren't open).
Once you fork and clone the repository, follow the next steps. If you have `just` installed, setting up is pretty easy: ```bash # setup dependencies and run dev server just # you can also run `just dev` just dev # to build and preview a webpage, run `just preview` just preview ``` View a list of all possible `just` recipes with `just -l`. Otherwise, if you don't already have or don't want to install `just`, you can run the commands manually: ```bash # install dependencies yarn install # run web dev server yarn run dev # or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab yarn run dev --open ``` Once you've made your changes, you can create a Pull Request and I'll make sure to check it out! ## Building To create a production version of this website without docker: ```bash yarn run build ``` To build a docker container image with `just`: ```bash # build and run container image with docker just build # build with podman just build podman # clean, build, and run container image with docker or podman just all just all podman ``` You can preview the production build with `yarn run preview`. ## License You can view this project's source code license [here](./LICENSE). All assets (images, logos, etc.) created by me (Sangelo) are Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Sangelo unless otherwise stated.
Brand logos and icons (such as Discord, Github, YouTube, etc.) are trademarked by and copyright of their respective owners.