2022-06-07 18:56:51 +02:00

20 lines
730 B

# __ __ _
# / / / /___ (_)___ ___ _____
# / / / / __ \/ / __ `/ / / / _ \
#/ /_/ / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / __/
#\____/_/ /_/_/\__, /\__,_/\___/
# /_/
# !! INFO
# Placeholders:
# %p is the player's name.
# %t is the target's name.
# %c is the placeholder for the command itself.
# %u is the command's usage.
# !! Do not replace the placeholders, or change them up, as it will break things !!
# For example:
# - Do not do this: Replace %c in no-args-msg with %p.
# - Do this: Move it around inside of the message, so it makes sense when you translate messages.
# This is the command cooldown in seconds. You can type 0 to disable it, or any other number to enable it. Default is 3.
spawn-command-cooldown: 3